What person do you know best in the world?  Your mind is probably racing through your list of family, friends, spouse and kids. The person you should have at the top of the list is actually YOU!

Last week we talked about creating A Vision for the life you envision.  I gave you a list of questions to think through in order to create A Vision for the life and health you want to lead.  This week we get real!

(check out all the previous thrive series blogs)

WHO are you? Become an expert on YOURSELF!

What are some of the things you like about yourself?  What are some features that you would change?  As you think about this, imagine yourself THRIVE-ing, in a newly fit body.  How do you think you will feel?  Are you excited to be taking the first steps towards action, and your year to THRIVE?

In order to know yourself, it is also important to know where you stand.  It is a good idea to visit your doctor for a checkup and routine tests that will give you a starting point.  Visit  vondawright.com, to print a list of preventative maintenance tests to discuss with your doctor.

Now take a good look at yourself.  What do you love?  Do you have amazing eyes, knock out legs, great arms, a strong back? Write it down.

Then think about what physical traits you want to work on. Be specific.  Write them down.

As a doctor, I want you to know you from the inside out.  You need to know  your numbers. Height, Weight, Waist/Hip ratio, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar plus a few more you find on page 13 of Guide to THRIVE. I suggest keeping these numbers handy in your wallet or smart phone and checking them regularly!

An important step in knowing yourself is knowing your Past Medical and Surgical history. What illnesses do you have or have you been treated for and by whom.  I have outlined a complete list of the assessment we take a physicians on page 14-15 of Guide to THRIVE.  You should use it to fill in your own health history and share with your physician!

Finally, you will be more successful if you have someone to hold you accountable as you take action.  Think of someone in your life that will hold you accountable, and take interest in your desire to THRIVE.  Tell them that you are taking action!  Share your plans with your friends on Facebook!  Let them know that you are taking the steps to THRIVE!  Or, find a partner to THRIVE with!  Having a partner is a great way to be accountable and stick to your plan.  Who do you know that will be excited to THRIVE?

Check out Chapter Two of Dr. Vonda Wright’s Guide to Thrive for more ways to get to know yourself and prepare take action to live the life YOU envision!